Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, Cancer Adjunctive Therapy

In this video, Tom Lowe spends about 26 minutes speaking on "Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, Cancer Adjunctive Therapy" at the 40th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.


So we're on here. Everything sound good? You know?

In nineteen ninety one hired a strapping 16 year old boy who was homeschooled. He was just a great kid. And he came down with grand mal seizures. And as loving parents, you really don't know what's going on. You know, you call the emergency. They come in, they say, is he on drugs? No, he's not on drugs. You know, rush him out of the hospital. Well, we want to do a bank of tests. We said, well, why do you want to do you know how that mess is, where they have standard of care? And we just kind of shut all that down and went back home, you know, because they didn't have another one. But a few weeks later, he did and took him in, had MRI. And they didn't see anything. They said he has epilepsy. We're sorry. That's about it. Five years later, he started having more seizures and they refined the MRI eyes and got it to the point where they could see he had a golf ball sized tumor in his head and they resected that took it out and said we had it all. You know, four years later after that, more seizures. Tumor grew back. We'll take it out again. He is now 37 years old.

He's had five treatments and he is not open at all to alternative medicine. So, you know, you can't tell your thirty seven year old kids what to do. And, you know, they got a banegas. He goes to Johns Hopkins University or, you know, he's a computer programmer or was the seizures have gotten too bad. But last week, a researcher from Johns Hopkins called me and he has metastatic cancer, pancreatic cancer. And this was just out of the blue.

This guy calls me and he says, you know, he was talking about you, B.I in the light and all the things. And then he said, yeah, I work at Johns Hopkins. I said, Oh, what do you do? I am a researcher. Well, what in brain tumors for twenty seven years. His comment to me was Johns Hopkins does not have an answer for brain tumors. You know, I can't even tell my son that because he won't listen. You know how hard that is. You want it to occur. It's not going to occur. I wait on God's timing. My wife and I have kind of had to give that over.

But this therapy. I'll give you a quick one on. It's going to take about 20 minutes or so. We have time for questions. We'll see when you get through.


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